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Preschool Developmental Learning Program

The Preschool Developmental Learning Program is a 12-month program, which serves students ages 3-5 with multiple physical, intellectual, neurological and communication impairments.

Many of these students enter the program after participating in a home-based early intervention model. A comprehensive transitional plan between the early intervention team and the school-based team is developed to assure student success in the program. The team also makes it a priority to help parents understand the school-based model of instruction and the IEP process.

Educational instruction is based on the Pre-Kindergarten Common Core standards with modifications for students to successfully participate in all curriculum areas. The program incorporates assistive technology using a multi-sensory model of instruction to foster participation, awareness, and self-determination.


Jordan / Jackson Elementary School
255 East Street
Mansfield, MA 02048

Students may have daily medical needs that require care by a classroom nurse. Direct speech therapy, occupational therapy, and physical therapy are provided per each student’s IEP. Therapists also provide staff consultation in order to embed therapeutic techniques into the daily classroom routine. Vision services are also available as needed.