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BICO Family Letter 12-15-2020

by | Dec 16, 2020 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Dear Families and Caregivers:

I wanted to check in with you and provide some information and reminders.

As you have likely heard there is the potential for a significant snow storm Wednesday night into Thursday. I am sure you all have questions about what will happen. Please keep in mind that what we do is contingent on so many issues (amount of snow, power outages, road conditions, etc….)

As I have laid it out to you and to our staff previously, each program will follow the lead of the school district they are located in to determine if they will be open, have a remote learning day or have a snow day.

? If the school district that your child’s program is in has a remote learning day, your child’s program will have a remote day.

? If the school district that your child’s program is in is closed, your child’s program will be closed.

? If the school district that your child’s program is in is open, your child’s program will be open.

The program directors and our staff will work with you to address any issues. If a program is in remote learning and students are not able to access programming due to power outages, etc… they will be counted as an excused absence. As always you will need to evaluate the conditions in your area to determine if you feel it is safe to have your child attend school if we are in person. Most important in all of this is that everyone is safe!!

In the event that Thursday is a remote learning day, it will be very important for your students to bring home necessary materials at the end of the day on Wednesday, this includes, but is not limited to, books, worksheets, chromebooks, etc…

I also want to touch base to let you know that I am very concerned about the rising COVID-19 cases. In the past several days/weeks we have had multiple programs shift to remote learning due to the number of close contacts, positive cases, host districts requiring us to shift to remote, etc… I know that this is the Holiday Season and it’s hard to think about celebrating differently but this is so important!!!!

My wish is for everyone to stay healthy and safe and enjoy your families safely. Please be vigilant, wear your masks, social distance, virtually spend time with people outside of your home, go for a ride and enjoy the beautiful lights, drink lots of water, go for a walk and enjoy the clean fresh air, take time to rest and regroup and just hang out in your pajamas or one of my favorites – have a fire in the fireplace and watch movies. In other words – have fun but please do so safely. As a reminder BICO programs will be closed for the December break from Thursday, December 24-Friday, January 1, 2021. We will reopen on Monday, January 4, 2021.

Thank you to all of you for your support of our programs!!! I appreciate how flexible all of our families have been as we have navigated this incredibly different year!!!!!

Be safe!!!

Happy Holidays!!!

Jeanne M. Sullivan, M. Ed.